there are also dog water bottles which come with a large cap or bowl where you can pour the water directly. Never squirt water on your dog’s mouth as this can get to their lungs and it is also wasteful.
They are very strict on vaccines, spay and neuter, and signs of illness, but that's a good thing!C Bernard4 years agoPeace of mind leaving my dog with Oxnard Diogi staff. They are new in town, but are established in other cities.Our puppy was a little anxious at first, but that ...
Autogenous vaccinesorself or custom vaccinesis where infected individuals are isolated and the microorganisms causing the infections are destroyed. This will, later on, provide immunity to the same infected individual. This type of vaccination is rarely in practice for humans. However, many veterinarian...
In short, vaccines generate a state of “excessive antibody production”—and “this excessive antibody production actually defines autoimmune disease” [emphasis in original].36 MUCH MORE HERE; Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day JULY 30, 2019 BY MERINDA TELLER, MPH, PHD ...
His doctors say his Sudden Death (SADS) is totally unrelated to all the COVID vaccines they gave him?? – now how dumb do these doctors think the Saudi Royalty is (who also took the “jab”) – these doctors are probably hoping and praying the Saudi Royalty are dumb enough not to cut...
and they updated all the vaccines so that she would be protected from certain illnesses. The vet also knew someone who had done the hike, so she had good information- which will soon lead me to the next tip. But first, before we move on- don’t be afraid to utilize vets along the ...
The local school district, as of last year, has thirty-something vaccines all lumped into one shot, over half of them for things I’ve never heard of. (according to their web site) I have no problem with the vaccinations I got as a child, but I agree with ...
Root is a huge Trump fan but does not agree with him on the vaccines. Trump was more toned down but humorous maybe because it was a smaller venue. He kept the cussing to a bare minimum which I appreciated. I didn’t hear anything new from him but the crowd was on their feet ...
VACCINES AND DIGITAL ID ARE MERGING TOGETHER. Skin patch microneedle vaccine (like a bandaid with lots of tiny little spikes) that leaves behind a scannable, but invisible-to-the-naked eye Quantum Dot Tattoo that stores all your personal data, including proof of vax compliance. It will also ...
Dr Cole presents sobering information about the “vaccines” . We must contact our congressmen and demand an immediate halt to further use until complete investigation on these mRNA are carried out. Reply Jerry 06/04/2022 • Greg, This is all to real to me. I firmly believe that covi...