When your dog eats and digests protein, there’s a buildup of nitrogen in the blood, which the kidneys filter into the urine. Dogs who don’t drink much water or have a very high protein diet will have higher nitrogen levels in their pee—and be more likely to damage grass. While pl...
You’ll need a reliable garden hose to flush out the dog urine from your yard. This weather-resistant hose will last for years with a lightweight build that makes it easy to carry around. It comes in lengths ranging from 3 to 100 feet to suit a variety of yard sizes. Shop Now...
You may want to consider grass alternatives that are more durable, resistant to pee and require less watering. 'It's important to opt for grass that is more resilient to your dog's urine, and can withstand wear and tear from them running about the garden,' the experts at tails.com say...
Description Dog Tuff® Grass (Cynodon ‘PWIN04S’) is a homeowner’s dream come true. This deep-rooted, dense, low-growing turf grass is very drought resistant (xeric> and provides a tough, durable lawn. It is ideal for kids’ play and stands up to dog traffic and dog urine with ...
The puncture-resistant cover is simple to clean, just wipe the mat with a mix of soap and water and let it dry. Plus, the activating gel interior doesn’t require any water, so mold is not a concern with this mat. FurHaven Indoor/Outdoor Garden Cooling Gel Dog Bed ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux