(Animals) any of several gregarious sciurine rodents of the genusCynomys,such asC. ludovicianus,that live in large complex burrows in the prairies of North America. Also called:prairie marmot Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991,...
'After your dog has urinated, pour water on the area, this will help to dilute the nitrogen within the urine and lessen the damage caused to the lawn by preventing the grass and soil from soaking up too much nitrogen.' Clare Jackson//Getty Images A brown spot of dead grass caused by...
Dog urine has ahigh level of nitrogen and associated salts. If left unattended, this high concentration settles down, allowing the grass to absorb, leading to brown patches. The best way to fix them is toget rid of the affected grass,rake the silkandplant a new seedin the dead spots. T...
Dog urine (and feces, too!) is basically a form of fertilizer, in that it is comprised largely of Nitrogen. Nitrogen is definitely beneficial, however, it can also cause serious damage to your lawn by essentially giving it too much of a good thing all at once. Your lawn is typically ab...
Fake Grass Unnatural smells make it hard to train and the urine quickly permeates making it permanently reek! You end up either scrubbing it daily or trashing it entirely! Potty Pads Unnatural, stinky, and hard to train as well. Pads require daily and hourly maintenance. Worse, they generate...
Dog Urine Can Damage The Grass And Create Yellow Or Brown Spots Of Dead Grass. Check Out How To Prevent Dog Urine From Destroying Your Lawn. Why Dogs Eat Grass? – Reasons And Solution Sometimes Your Dog Gulps Several Mouthfuls Of Grass And Promptly Vomits It All &Then Go Right Back ...
The grass does not stain and has a natural scent to attract the dog. Cons If not washed correctly, the grass may hold the urine smell for a long time. Customer reviews A huge number of dog owners who purchased this product were happy especially with the elevated sides that ensured their ...
Urine-ridden grass. Find the the best ways to get your yard back in business! The 6 Best Bark Collars for Large Dogs If your large dog is a bit too mouthy, it may be time to invest in a bark collar. Click the link to find the best options on the market. Best forProduct Best ...
When your dog eats and digests protein, there’s a buildup of nitrogen in the blood, which the kidneys filter into the urine. Dogs who don’t drink much water or have a very high protein diet will have higher nitrogen levels in their pee—and be more likely to damage grass. ...
2. urine. 1972 19801990 1995 1972 B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular. 1995 J. Stahl Permanent Midnight 85: I’d rather drink dog water than say this. 3. a derog. term denoting a lack of skill, orig. used of incompetent video gamers . 2023 2023 Sydney Morn. Herald 18 Nov. 🌐 Dog...