For example, suppose you suddenly notice your puppy urinating more than usual. In that case, there … Read more Categories Dog owners tips, Dog's Health 3 Easy Homemade Dog Food Recipes That Are Vet-Approved June 12, 2022 by Ana Your dog needs some nutrition too. Suppose you are ...
My dog has been acting fuuny the past few nights he wakes me up 2-3 times a night to go outside to pee and it's not his normal pee they last over a min and he h...
I really need help, i have a dog that is now one and a half years old, hes a cross between a jack russel and a yorkshire terrior and he has a problem with urinating. we're close to have to get rid of him because its becoming too much to handle. We got him when he was a pup...
My Jack Russell (10) keeps on urinating and pooing in the house, in spite of the door being open all the time. I got her two years ago and was told she is house trained, but obviously that is not the case. Advertisement One of the carpets is so stained, I can not get it clean...
Dogs with urinary tract infections when urinating leave behind a strong odor. Also, their urine is not normal in appearance and has either a cloudy or dark appearance. Increased thirst Frequent urination in dogs leads to loss of body fluid in them making them dehydrated. Due to severe dehydrati...
Cushing's disease is more common in dogs 6 years or older. Other signs of Cushing's disease include eating, drinking, and urinating more, panting, as well as having a pot-bellied appearance. Take your dog to the vet if you notice any of these signs. ...
She has trouble urinating or she's urinating more than usual. She's dragging or scooting her rear on the floor. She may have worms, her anal glands might be blocked, or she might have kidney disease or diabetes. She's drinking a lot more water than usual. She won't eat and misses...
Urinating Just like humans, all pets (especially dogs) want to live in a clean environment, so when your dog starts to urinate in your home, something is wrong. There is no reason for a dog to purposely empty its bladder if everything is ok. And we can't expect them to find the to...
Lack of energy or interest in normal activities IMPORTANT: If your dog is not urinating freely, a urinary blockage may be the cause. Consult your veterinarian immediately as this condition could be life threatening. Treatment: The importance of nutrition ...
Urinating often. Diagnosis Your vet can diagnose your dog by doing an examination and by looking at the discharge. Your vet might require you to get an x-ray or an ultrasound of the uterus. Treatment If your dog does get pyometra, this can be life-threatening, but it can also be treat...