It’s Been Eleven Months and Counting With No Obvious Signs of Cancer “I have used Apocaps since (I think) May or June of 2010. Our dog, Maya, was diagnosed with Renal cancer April 15, 2010. We thought she had a urinary infection and following an X-ray (which showed a massive tumo...
My dog has been shaking all night and is acting like she has stomach pain. She is not eating or drinking. She hasn’t vomited or had diarrhea. She must of ate something. I gave her a small piece of beef from my lunch yesterday which I found out later had onions in the ingredients....
Signs of true separation anxiety include: Dog becomes anxious when owner prepares to leave, Misbehavior occurs in the first 15-45 minutes after owner leaves, Dog wants to follow owner around constantly, Dog tries to be touching owner whenever possible. True separation anxiety requires dedicated ...
eat anything and everything, including things that are not necessarily good for them. if your dog has ingested something they shouldn't have, it's natural to reach for the medicine cabinet. but while pepto-bismol is a go-to aid for human stomachaches, is it safe to give to your dog?
I he goo d news is that th e leg 15 b e fix e d with surgery.Almost immediately after 16 (wake) up from th e surgery, th e raccoon shows signs o f improve ment "Within a day she's abl e to walk on her leg.Smith says. A week an d a hal f later, th e raccoon ha...
Until relatively recently it wasn’t known that macadamia nuts were toxic to dogs. The precise reason for their toxicity in dogs is still unknown, but it is thought they have an effect on the nervous system – particularly the control of movement. This means that signs are often seen in a...
Bad Dog Teeth Common Signs And Home Treatment Options June 8, 2022 by Ana You may already be aware that failing to care for your dog’s teeth can result in periodontal disease that causes bleeding gums and even tooth loss. But poor oral hygiene is also related to different health ...
“I was devastated when I learned Buddy's cancer had returned. The same ache in my stomach, the tearing of my heart came back. He had seemed to recover nicely from the melanoma. I had great vets. His affected toe had been amputated. His previous x-rays were clear. How could this hav...
Other first-stage signs of distemper are a dry cough, diarrhea, and pus blisters on the stomach. The second stage of distemper is even more serious, because the disease can begin to affect the brain and even the spinal cord. A dog in this stage might slobber frequently, shake her head,...
and even the sniffles can keep us tossing and turning at all hours. Your dog is no different: If they don’t feel well, they won’t sleep well, either. Look for signs of distress or discomfort and address them accordingly. If you think your dog may have a medical condition, such as...