-Jill Stout, Medford, Oregon Was That a Dog in the Drive-Through Window? “The Vent if You're Bent exercise helped me let out the anger about my young dog being diagnosed with a disease that was going to rob us of many years together. Cheat Day was for Apollo: on chemo days we st...
“If and when it comes time to help them cross the bridge, they will let you know and they will, in their own way, convey their appreciation to you for a life well lived.”- Jill Stout, Medford, Oregon North Carolina State University Is a Very Special Place “We heard about the stem...
Although there are many fine German Shepherds in shelters and placed with rescue organizations, the intense loyalty of this dog to its first owner may make it tough to create a bond. In addition, poor training or maltreatment in his first home may make the dog more aggressive than you had ...