industry and university research laboratories, veterinary schools, emergency clinics, oncology clinics, animal industry nutrition research, animal shelters, and commercial animal operations
If you or someone you know is looking to adopt, please tell them to check out the facilities high-lighted in blue first as they arekill shelters where animals that don't find homes fast enough are euthanized.Kitai came from the Humane Society of Silicon Valley. His adoption fee included: ...
Shelters Don’t we owe it to shelter dogs to at least euthanize them humanely? March 31, 2014The Dog LadyLeave a comment WCMH: News, Weather, and Sports for Columbus, Ohio A sad story out of Gallia County, OH last week. Columbus TV stationNBC-4is reporting that the shelter has been ...
The lack of hurricane knowledge compelled many to head out of their shelters when the eye of the storm passed over the region because they wrongly believed that the storm was over. Like so many papers during the catastrophe, the San Francisco Chronicle relied on early, unconfirmed reports that...