The dog will not be integrated into the therapy until the fol- low-up assessment has been completed. In one interven- tion condition, the dog will be present but not integrated into the therapeutic narrative, while in the other, the dog will be integrated into the therapeutic narrative. A...
Hello, my 12 year old male Weimaraner is up to date with all his shots and regularly every month gets a heartworm prevention pill and h ha so Frontline put on back between his 2 front legs. His nose has been dry and cracked for a few weeks with no other symptoms, until this past we...
This morning, from the foot of a high spur, I saw a couple of gawky fellows shambling along in an imitation European dress, and I pricked up my ears—it seemed as if Europeans were about. One of the fellows had on a pair of long-legged khaki trousers ludicrously patched with Chinese ...
For this situation, the IS has been added with a precipitation reagent for sample clean-up. The analytes were considered to be stable in biological specimens if the concentrations determined were 85% to 115% of the original concentration. The stability of analytes in whole blood was assessed as...
Lots and lots of water... My guess is that if it already vomited twice, anything in its system is already out, and now its just the drugs in the blood stream. 15 years ago 00 Lord.Quasimoto Karma:33 Posts: 958 Insane if he puked twice its because of cookies not the weed. cant ...