Google Share on Facebook dog violet (redirected fromdog violets) Thesaurus n (Plants) a violet,Viola canina,that grows in Europe and N Asia and has blue yellow-spurred flowers Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998...
” said Anthony. He was sitting on the stone steps in front of the vestibule eating a thick ham sandwich. A yellow smear of mustard adorned his upper lip. “But Daddy says it’s not so.” Anthony paused to swallow and lick his lips. “He says once it’s popped, it just oozes out...
We immediately hit it off with our neighbours when they popped round to introduce themselves and ask if we’d sign their petition. I asked them what it was about. “They’re planning to open a pub in the high street!”“That sounds good, where do I sign?”“No no no, this is AGAI...
Here it is before I popped it in the freezer: The rest of the weekend has been about seeing good friends and gardening, (read: Trisha and Jim dig like field hands trying to re-establish gardens after major earth moving work done earlier in the summer), and processing food....
Lowering her head the girl launched into the attack and rushed out of the doorway. On the street the violent storm spun her like a top, then a whirlwind of snow spiralled around her and she vanished. But the dog stayed in the doorway. His scalded flank was so painful that he pressed ...
Completely trustworthy with both the baby and the toddler, has literally never chewed on or destroyed anything, and is a great traveler. Naturally, I felt guilty when I realized I didn’t even have him on my Christmas gift list this year. When this shop opportunity popped up, I jumped at...
Next came the "skull". The fasted way to do that was to blow up a balloon that was the size of the stuffed animals head. I then covered it in tape, popped the balloon and filled it with crumbled up newspaper/adds. Obviously, the tape will shrink once the balloon deflates as it sti...