Dog urine contains high levels of nitrogen, which can leave burned, bare or discoloured grass behind. While it is hard to stop your dog's pee harming your lawn completely, there are some tips and tricks every owner can try. 'They might be a man's best friend, but dogs certainly aren...
When you find the grass turning brown, it only means it is dead. However, the soil is still in a good state, so you can easily reseed there and take your growing grass, thus getting healthy grass on time. But make sure that your pet does not pee again on the same spot. How can ...
Subscription real grass pee pads for your dog or puppy. Made for your dog to go potty on your patio. The Pottio Boxes are handbuilt and our grass is 100% Platinum rated.
For a small dog, he continues to age at four dog years per human year even after turning five years old in human age. On the other hand, a medium sized dog like beagle or a corgi, they will age faster after the fifth year of their life. Bigger breeds will age rapidly after. Medium...
Once you’ve repaired your lawn, you might want to learn how to prevent future dog urine spots on grass from forming. Dilute urine.It might seem strange to follow your dog around with ahoseor watering can every time they go outside to pee. However, watering the area where your d...
Furthermore, the Porch Potty Grass Litter Box has been designed with a high quality resin frame that surrounds either a high quality artificial grass or a fresh patch of grass that not only looks great but also feels great. For those who will purchase this product, you can always choose to...
Dogs eating grass is a sign of rain. Being followed by a black Dog suggest there is trouble ahead. Should you meet a black and white Dog on the way to a meeting, your negotiations will succeed. If you see a Greyhound with a white spot on her head, she brings serendipity. ...
(Cordova Bay), Cadboro Bay beach, and McCauley Point. We avoid the dog park by the university due to the presence of spear grass in the summer months and we seldom go to Clover Point/Dallas Road due to the proximity to traffic. The safety of our client's pet is of primary importance...
October is our favorite month at the zoo. Not only because the nights are cooler but the colors are all turning. And Mom gets to dress up the yard with spooky things. This year Theodore, the skeleton, is walking JoBoo and ScaryBeary, who chased Henry up a tree. ...
Avoid areas with grasses that have foxtails, and remove them with tweezers right away. Excessive sneezing, head shaking, eye discharge or an abscess are a sign that it's time to cut things short, because foxtails can work their way into a vital organ and be fatal. ...