To get into the spirit of things, theDoodyFree Water Projectis giving away 250,000 pet waste bags to dog parks and other green spaces. You can apply through their website by explaining how a bag donation will impact on your community. You can also read about DoodyFree projects in your s...
you’d think it would be a snap to find a nice beach for your surf-loving dog. But “No Dogs” signs abound on Florida’s coast. In fact, while state parks allow dogs, virtually all prohibit dogs on park beaches. The only exception is Honeymoon Island State Park inDunedin. It allots...
The team also delivers dog poop clean up services to local parks, business properties, and to anyone needing assistance keeping up with dreaded poop patrol chores. Get rid of the time-consuming task of cleaning up after your pets. POOP 911's pet waste removal service in North Orlando, FL...
We arrived at the Golden Nugget Farley State Marina, owned by the State Parks and managed by the Golden Nugget Casino. The ads for the marina combine the word ‘tranquil’ and ‘630 slips’ in the same sentence which we thought was pretty funny for a casino run marina. But Covid restric...