The meaning of ATTACK DOG is a dog trained to attack on command or on sight. How to use attack dog in a sentence.
2. One who physically attacks others at the behest of someone else.The gangster sent over a couple of his attack dogs to rough up the witness before the trial.A: "Who's this, your attack dog?" B: "His name is Bruno, and he's here to make sure you don't try to do anything fu...
These days, one of the most prominent attackers is Republican representative Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, who regularly appears on cable television to blast Obamacare and other topics. She called the administration’s response to the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, “probably more serious...
“Vehicle ramming attacks, where a perpetrator deliberately rams a vehicle into pedestrians or buildings, have been increasing around the world in recent years,” the motion reads. “With the city hosting major international events in the next few years … the city should look at ways to safegua...
The dog survived, but has now been retired from police work. With government support, Finn's Law will introduce bigger fines and prison sentences for attacks on service animals. Constable Wardell, Finn's handler, welcomed the change in the law. He said: "When Finn was seriously injured it ...
1994. Dog on a tightrope: the position of the dog in British society as influenced by press reports on dog attacks (1988-1992). Anthrozoos, 7: 232-241.Podberscek, A. (1994). "Dog on a Tightrope: The Position of the Dog in British Society as Influenced by Press Reports on Dog ...
Experts advise that there are a number of steps that you can and should take to prevent dog attacks. Before you bring a dog into your home: Work with a local animal shelter, rescue group of breeder to find the breed best suited to your needs and family. ...
Fatal Dog Attacks In the most tragic dog bite accident cases, attacks can be fatal. When dangerous dogs attack with aggressive behavior, victims may lose their lives due to the severity of the injuries inflicted. In such cases, a Philadelphia dog bite lawyer can file a wrongful death lawsuit...
A 6-year-old boy in Savannah, Ohio, who was attacked by a dog over the weekend was bound in handcuffs, officials said.
Dog Attacks Girl in Oakland OAKLAND, Calif. (KCBS/CBS-5) _ There was another dog attack on a young child in the East Bay on Saturday, as a seven-year-old Oakland girl was bit in the face and had to undergo surgery. It happened around 3 p.m. in the backyard of a home near the...