A serum troponin was normal. On vertebral column radiographs, there was an irregular appearance of the vertebral bodies and end plates of C3–4, C4–5 and T4–8, with collapse of the intervertebral disc spaces and thoracic spondylosis deformans. MRI of the brain showed moderate generalized ...
On their arrival into the unit, the animals (GRMD; n=8, aged between 6 and 12 months and one normal dog, aged 26 months) had a clinical examination, a biochemical, hematologic and coproscopic assessments, as well as thoracic radiographies. Clinical observation did not show any sign of c...
However, in some cases a single histological lung biopsy may not be sufficient to diagnose PVOD, because venous remodelling is not always evenly distributed and normal veins can still be found in certain lung regions. Therefore, multiple biopsies from different locations are recommended in suspect ...
Electrocardiography revealed a normal sinus rhythm with multiple criteria for right ventricular enlargement; thoracic radiographie findings were consistent with right ventricular enlargement and pulmonary overcirculation. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed mild to moderate dilatation of the right atrium and ...
Further, gross enlarged heart with increased sternal contact was recorded on thoracic radiograph; this could be attributed to right ventricle enlargement. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed floating viscera in the anechoic abdominal fluid (Figure 1). No abnormal echogenicity was noticed with the abdominal ...
All other peripheral lymph nodes were within normal limits. The referring veterinarian had initiated therapy with oral cephalexin which had not resulted in any significant improvement. Three months prior to presentation, the dog had been treated for suspected atopic dermatitis with immunosuppressive ...
Greyhounds have higher normal creatinine levels than non-Greyhounds, with a mean of 1.6 mg/dL (range 1.2-1.9 mg/dL). Drug Sensitivities Anesthesia: Sight hounds require particular attention during anesthesia. Their lean body conformation with high surface-areato- volume ratio predisposes them to ...
No evidence of metastasis in the whole body, including the lungs, other vertebrae, and thoracic or abdominal lymph nodes, was found using CT. Figure 1. Lateral radiograph of the thoracic spine on the right side revealing a radiolucent lytic lesion of the fourth thoracic vertebra (T4; dotted ...
Thoracic radiograph was always performed before CT examination. The biopsies were taken by a board-certified radiologist (M.V.). All animals were studied under general anesthesia and monitored during the procedure. For all examinations, there was the approval of the owners by informed consent ...
Thoracic radiographs revealed lung metastases and pleural effusion. Figure 2. Lateral abdominal radiograph showing a small calcified prostate, a sublumbar mass (probably adenomegaly) that reinforced the diagnosis of prostate cancer with lymph node metastases in a neutered dog. An irregular osteo...