Because your pet was an everyday part of your life, even the most mundane tasks can be heartbreakingLittle things like scratch marks on the floor from doggie nails can trigger an emotional response. Items like dog beds, toys, bowls, leashes, collars, etc. are obvious reminders. However, ge...
Repeat the process every hour until the swelling goes down or until the glands open and drain.Homeopathic Silica There’s an excellent homeopathic remedy for anal glands. It’s called Silica (or Silicea). Use it when your dog needs a little help emptying his glands. Silica is a remedy that...
Dogs & Dog Breeds Flooding Therapy for Dog Behavior Issues: Does It Work? By Adrienne Farricelli CPDT-KA, Dip.CBST Mar 11, 2023 United States Politics MAGA v. WOKE By Angie B WilliamsFeb 26, 2025 Dogs & Dog Breeds How to Train Your Dog to Go to the Bathroom on Command ...
Expecting a dog's bladder to emit pee at a specific time every so-and-so hours is totally unreasonable. There are so many things you must factor in when it comes to how often a puppy or dog needs to be taken out. For example, some dogs, especially smaller dogs, have smaller bladder...
What are the nutritional needs of the pet you want? What type of training is needed? And remember, it is really you who needs the training!!! We strongly support pet adoption. According to theUS Humane Society, approximately 2.7 million dogs and cats are euthanized every year. These are ...
I see each dog as an individual and train according to their specific needs, following a modern approach rooted in science. I want each dog and owner(s) to have the best communication with one another. No matter what your current training needs are, I can help you achieve them! ...
The dog needs to be able to understand and respond to the owner's commands. Some dogs work better with certain type of herds, but there is a variety of herding dogs. Popular breeds of herders include the Australian Shepherd or Australian Cattle Dog, the Border Collie, the Koolie, and ...
She seems to pee every hour after dinner. I have tried taking her out each hour and she doesn’t do anything. Then right before I want to take her out again she pees, or does it when she comes inside! WHY!!?? She does everything else so well. She will even pee on demand. Any...
Quinn had chosen a spot to pee and another one to void. It is truly a life saver. Ive been hesitant welcoming a brother for Boeser my Husky because of the house breaking and everything that comes with it. You have made it a breeze. Border Collies are smart but learn so differently ...
In just a little over 4 weeks, my dogs have shown so much improvement, especially Lexy. It wasn't only a learning experience for our dogs, but for our whole family. I have to say that this can only work if it is a collective approach- everyone in the household needs to be fully in...