He takes a man unawares at his most vulnerable point. The man in the lavatory is the metaphorical man “with his pants down.” By obtaining this man’s “ticket to nirvana,” we see the Machiavellian premise (the ends justify the means) acted out. Our man journeys to higher level of e...
man relaxing 1 management 9 mango 2 mansion 1 manual laborer 2 many 371 many white 1 map 9 maple 1 marathon 3 march 4 marching 4 marine 9 Marion 1 maritime museum 1 market 134 marriage 2 Maryland 2 mask 3 Massachusetts 17 match 4 matchboxes 1 material ...
Excellent. History, care, training, breeding farm dogs; "Rough collie" is the Border Collie in this little book, and herding training and sheepdog trials are explained. $24.00 SOLD #00015 One Man and His Dogs by Niall, Ian 1976 William Morrow and Co. Inc., New York Hardcover. Very good...
Another idea for shade is to put a piece of plywood with two by two's on top of it on the top side of the dog house, nailed down as an overhang. I got this idea from Larry Tallman. I don't have trees for every dog, so I try to give shade to those without a tree with ...
It sounds like a classic dogman, Samuel, and my next book is titled, “I Know What I Saw” because so many witnesses say that. They do seem very interested in farm animals and will often hole up in old or abandoned out building. The growl much more than howl. You were probably wise...