You can also make your own homemade repellents which work just as well and are much cheaper.White VinegarCanines can't stand the smell of acetic acid so will avoid areas sprayed with a solution of White Vinegar. Dilute with equal parts water and spray over the affected areas. Not only ...
You can either use a pre-made mixture like BarkLogic’s or prepare your own. In addition to its use as a flea repellent, the renowned Juliette de Bairacli Levy recommends the following lemon dog flea medicine skin tonic for use as a treatment for dog mange and as a general skin toner...
you and the dog have made no progress at all. That is, the dog has no reason to behave any differently with you in your home environment than she did before you left.
You can create DIY, natural homemade dog repellants to stop dogs from pooping in your yard. For instance, you could mix 1 cup ofwhite vinegarwith 2 cups ofapple cider vinegar, and thenmist your lawn with it. Another option is to mix white vinegar with lime juice, soak cotton balls in ...