These Are the Cutest Police Recruits You’ll Ever Lay Eyes on It’s hard to believe these fluffy labrador pups will ever fill the uniforms of the New Taipei Police Department K-9… This Insect Kills More Than a Million People Each Year Summer brings warmer temperatures and longer days,...
Capitalism stans who talk about how much capitalism has done for the world while ignoring the fact that it’s killing the ecosystem are like proponents of a miraculous new cancer treatment which shrinks tumors like nothing else and its only side effect is that it kills the patient. C...
Lethal white (also known as Overo Lethal White Syndrome) kills 100% of horses which are homozygous for the gene. A lethal white will be completely white with blue eyes. It is unable to produce any pigment, like an albino, and because the cells in the intestine are linked (embryonically)...
What NOT to Do If You’re Bitten By a Brown Recluse The name “brown recluse” conjures up nightmarish visuals for a majority of the population, and not only for those who… This Insect Kills More Than a Million People Each Year Summer brings warmer temperatures and longer days, and...
People espouse that dogs are the purest of pure creatures who would never hurt anyone or anything, and then they are shocked when their dog kills the neighbor’s cat, or when their dog bred for generations to chase and kill small animals that squeak mauls a Chihuahua. A troubling trend ...
The one kills bees, the other kills bee food. You can save money and go to heaven by leaving the poisons on the shelf at Walmart. Leave your dandelions alone. Bees don’t get enough nutrients from dandelions alone. But this sturdy and abundant little weed often saves bees from starvation...
”to YouTube.He had come home finding his two dogs near an empty bag of cat treats.The first dog behaved calmly.But the second dog,Denver,sat shaking in a corner,her eyes looking down,which made Robert bepeve it was she who had done it.Seeing her"apparent admission of guilt,"he ...
FYI That’s his campsite machete he is hitting the cat with and he literally chopped it’s head off trying to save his beloved dog. RIP Chopper According to Todd McMurray the dog was ultimately put down due to the "massive injuries" he sustained. What a sad ending to a disheartening ...
@ASTRO-CAT2012The Crossbow Launcher Dog Tag got added later to BF1, with the TSNP DLC.So make sure you made 100 Kills with it after the DLC Update was added... - 6592550
Then there’s this, as you say. I don’t know who it was supposed to appeal to. I’m guessing they are trying to get the attention of lowest common denominators with something catchy they will remember and more secure than the name of their pet cat. If not that GCHQ wants to reduce...