As we stated earlier, if a dog's penis is swollen and stuck out, it could simply be due to a normal erection. Also as we have discussed, a dog's penis has abulbus glandis. This will appear that there are twolarge bumpsat the base of the shaft, but this is normal. They will go...
Even if your pet is not allergic, there will be some swelling around the area of the sting. The best way to alleviate the pain and itchiness is to apply ice over the swollen area. Use an ice pack or ice cubes wrapped in a clean towel and place them over the stung place. Keep for ...
are all common in dachshunds and can cause blindness in your dog . common symptoms of eye problems are: cloudy eyes red, swollen, or irritated (with discharge) eyes bumping into things anxiety or hesitation in new places unwillingness to go up or down stairs or climb on or off furniture ...
heart disease, and lung diseases. Dog obesity is a major problem that can cause a variety of health problems, such as respiratory and musculoskeletal problems. Exercising your dog regularly keeps them busy and mentally challenged, which in turn increases their lifespan ...
Then, washing and cleaning the paw and keeping an eye out for infection will usually be sufficient. If your dog's paws are swollen due to overexertion, allowing your dog to relax and recover fully, and avoiding high impact or long walks on hard ground in future should help. You may ...
In the first stage of a dog’s heat cycle, she’ll have a swollen vulva and a bloody discharge. The amount of swelling and bleeding varies from dog to dog; for some dogs these symptoms may be more noticable than others. Besides these physical changes, there are common behaviors of a fe...
Swollen lip My cat gets frequent and sudden swelling on her face (her bottom lip usually but... (17044 views)See all questions...About Dr. Marie Why use an online vet? Dr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. She created Ask A Vet Quest...
of the rectum/anus worms found around the rectum scooting their bottom on the ground slower growth rates in puppies pot-bellied appearance or swollen abdomen coughing pneumonia anemia exercise intolerance intestinal blockage when to call your vet if you notice that your dog has worms in their ...
chihuahua “a little dog who keeps yelping”' i.e. an informer who is always telling on other inmates over annoying little things, always giving the authorities petty scraps of information - persistent, but not particularly serious; puppy a “soft nark”, an informer who is not in the ...
A swollen abdomen, listlessness, retching, and excessive drooling are all signs of this condition. A dog with gastric torsion needs to be taken to the vet right away for treatment. The most common health issues of this dog are: Elbow dysplasia Hip dysplasia Gastric torsion Otterhound ...