A。选项 B“sore throat”喉咙痛,题干中没有喉咙痛的表现;选项 C“earache”耳朵疼,题干未提及;选项 D“eye problem”眼睛问题,题干说的是打喷嚏多,与眼睛问题无关。“sneezing a lot”常与“runny nose”一起出现,表示流鼻涕,可能是感冒了。反馈
My dog recently got theses two sores on her back leg, one bigger than the other. Its not itchy or irritating it seems to her but now all of a sudden she doesn’t want to walk and if she does she is very slow moving and limping. When she is standing she has her back raised like...
If your dog has sore spots or other itchy areas on their body, this is the most likely culprit. If all four paws are affected, check out the pads of the paws to see if they may have become burnt from walking on a hot road, or abraded and sore from too much exercise on hard ...
动物在英文中的含义-狗 在西方文化中,狗是“忠实、卖力、辛劳”的化身;dog指雄性动物:公狗;雄狐:公狼等;bitch:母狗;在英语中还指丑婆娘;丑女人、贱妇、妓女、棘手的事等。dogs脚;eg: Mydogsreallyhurt.我的脚好疼。在西方‚dog 被称为人类最好的朋友,代表友谊所以西方人对于是狗肉十分反感。宠物狗则...
Also, consider whether your dog has a sore throat. They may have cut their throat in a sharp blade of grass or plant. Offer a teaspoon of honey. Side Effects of Medications If your dog takes regular medication, it’s possible that they’ll experience side effects. Temporary loss of appeti...
has a dog a nose? see does a bear shit in the woods? Is the pope (a) Catholic? phr. have a date about a dog (v.) see see a man about a dog under see v. have a dog tied up (v.) (also leave a dog tied up) [the image of having left one’s dog while moving on elsew...
Darn thing has been around tooooo long! 3. This now stuffy nose and runny eyes! I've looked at her eyes and they don't look the same bright happy eyes she had! IN TEARS RIGHT NOW AND PRAYING FOR A MIRACLE HELP ME PLEASE FOR MY XENA'S SAKE PLEASE. GOD BLESS YOU ALL Konamisan ...
10 Reasons Dogs Get Stressed During the Holidays Helping Dogs Cope With Fireworks Why Does My Dog Growl When I Pet Him? Should I Spay/Neuter My Dog?
Before we go for a walk I have my dog go and grab her leash, then she has to fetch me my boots and her harness. It’s not asking much, but it’s just enough to keep her focused and busy while I’m getting ready. Before I taught her to go grab those items she’d be spinning...
During our tests, we found the Original Calming Donut bed to be a favorite for dogs who like to sleep in the “fox” or curled up position. It doesn’t provide enough space to stretch out, nor is it a good choice for dogs with joint problems, but it has a luxury feel and provides...