A runny nose can be a big deal for a dog, who has 220 million smell receptors compared to your 5 million. And while nose discharge can be a sign of something as simple as your dog's excitement that you're home, it can also be a symptom of a problem as serious as cancer. Get th...
We’re all familiar with influenza and the symptoms. Infected dogs will appear to have a moderate to severe cold, may cough, have runny eyes and noses, and generally act lethargic and unwell. Canine Measles It’s likely your dog will receive ameasles vaccination with its distemper shot. This...
Itchy, runny eyes Itchy or red ears, or frequentear infections Sneezing Red, irritated skin Hair loss Large, open sores around feet Constant licking Swollen paws Any of these symptoms could also indicate other health issues for your dog, so if you are concerned about your dog's health, you...
Sadie & Baby, Respiratory Issues: Dog-Cough, Runny Nose Our two Chihuahua’s, Sadie (4 years.) and Baby (2 years), came down with a dog cough. Their noses were runny and they would start wheezing and then gag. Sadie was worse than the Baby. I ordered the... ...
Discover why Siberian Huskies have blue eyes. Learn about the genetics behind this eye color in Husky breed and other dog breeds. How to Keep an Apartment Clean When Living with a Dog? November 29, 2023byAna From muddy paws to fur on the sofa, I’ve got the pro tips for keeping your...
Unlike humans, in whom signs of rhinitis and conjunctivitis usually predominate, causing runny eyes and sneezing, dogs more commonly develop skin problems as a result of hypersensitivities. Around one in six allergic dogs will develop hay fever-like signs, and these symptoms often occur with, rath...
My dog has red eyes, doesn’t eat, breathes fast, his nose is warm, doesn’t have energy but drinks water. What do I do? Here is what our vet had to say:If your dog has a fever, glassy eyes, breathing issues, and other signs of an illness, be sure to rule out fl...
Symptoms of dog allergies usually include intense itching (which leads to biting and chewing of the skin), often sneezing, chronic ear infections, rash, vomiting and diarrhea. While these are common symptoms, there are others that may present themselves less commonly like red or watery eyes, cou...
Initially, there is a fever, which peaks within a week and may not be noticed. However, a few days later it returns, also causing a runny nose and runny eyes; this is rapidly followed by vomiting and diarrhoea, and a thickening of the skin on the footpads (hence "hardpad"). Some d...
My labs systems, runny eyes and dandruff has gotten a little better but the itching hasn't . By Labowner Lab Problems April 21, 2017 Was really disappointed, followed instructions and have given this product for several weeks and have not seen any improvement. ...