If your dog has any of the following symptoms, you could be dealing with something more serious: Squinting Rubbing or pawing eyes Watery eyes Yellow or green eye discharge Red, irritated eyes Eye problems can be quite painful and quickly worsen, so don’t hesitate to call your vet if you ...
This Boxer with Auto-Immune and Musculoskeletal Health Issues Nzymes Has Been the Right Choice for my Boy, Marlon! We’ve been through a lot in our short six years together. Initially, Marlon had digestive health issues. Have you ever burped a puppy after eating?... ...
It is not uncommon for a secondary infection to also be present, so some will have thick, green discharge and blood-shot eyes that they squint closed. A number of dogs may even paw at their eye or rub their face on the ground because they are so uncomfortable. Does Cherry Eye Cause Pa...
Discharge from the eyes or nose Loss of appetite Production of blood or phlegm during episodes Rapid or labored breathing Pale or bluish gums Rattling or wheezing sounds when breathing Consider any uptick in coughing a problem if your dog has a history of laryngeal paralysis (even after surgery)...
False pregnancy and swollen breasts A pseudopregnancy orfalse pregnancyis fairly common among fertile bitches. In general, it occurs when a female has sexual contact with a male, but thefertilizationwas not completed. However, it is also possible it can develop without previously having mated with...
Cloudy eyes Red, swollen, or irritated (with discharge) eyes Bumping into things Anxiety or hesitation in new places Unwillingness to go up or down stairs or climb on or off furniture Pawing at face Confused, dazed, or startled behavior PRA is not treatable and affected dogs will ...
similar to dog eye boogers. However, the big difference to watch out for is that eye discharge caused by conjunctivitis will usually be green, yellow, or cloudy, rather than the clear colored dog eye boogers that you’re used to seeing. Usually, the eye will also be red and uncomfortable...
discharge in dogs aren't serious, some are and can cause blindness if not addressed promptly by a veterinarian. And if you have a small breed dog that has chronic red-brown tear staining around their eyes, several supplements and cleaning wipes are specifically designed to help reduce this ...
, and cataracts . clinical signs of these conditions include: red eyes bulging eyes eye discharge rubbing at the eyes due to pain blindness eye conditions can be quite painful, so it's important to see a veterinarian if you have any concerns about your chihuahua's eyes. legg-calve-perthes ...
right language but invariably get it wrong. The good breeders describe a female dog as “typey and square, the chocolate-colored female has a lovely open side gait and runs true down and back again. The careless breeders will say, “She’s got a nice stride” or “he’s burly and ...