According toPetMD, dogs that are infected with the flu can develop two separate illnesses. The first is a milder case involving a cough, nasal discharge, and will normally go away on its own after 10 to 30 days. The second is more severe and results in fever of 104 degrees or higher w...
Regular eye exams can help you detect any signs of trouble such as redness, discharge, orcloudiness. You ideally want to check their eyes at least once a week and take them to the vet if you notice anything unusual or concerning. 4. Protect Your Dog's Eyes From the Sun Excessive sun e...
This Boxer with Auto-Immune and Musculoskeletal Health Issues Nzymes Has Been the Right Choice for my Boy, Marlon! We’ve been through a lot in our short six years together. Initially, Marlon had digestive health issues. Have you ever burped a puppy after eating?... ...
Cloudy eyes Red, swollen, or irritated (with discharge) eyes Bumping into things Anxiety or hesitation in new places Unwillingness to go up or down stairs or climb on or off furniture Pawing at face Confused, dazed, or startled behavior PRA is not treatable and affected dogs will ...
Red Eyes in Your Dog: Here's Why and What to Do Kelly Pebworth Kelly works as a veterinary technician in Austin, TX as well as regular animal rescue volunteer. She's been an animal lover and dog owner since childhood, and has worked in different dog related fields over the last twenty...
, and cataracts . clinical signs of these conditions include: red eyes bulging eyes eye discharge rubbing at the eyes due to pain blindness eye conditions can be quite painful, so it's important to see a veterinarian if you have any concerns about your chihuahua's eyes. legg-calve-perthes ...
discharge in dogs aren't serious, some are and can cause blindness if not addressed promptly by a veterinarian. And if you have a small breed dog that has chronic red-brown tear staining around their eyes, several supplements and cleaning wipes are specifically designed to help reduce this ...
Mastitisis an infection which affects the breasts of female dogs and cats. It generates avisible swellingin the breasts and nipples of the animal. In addition to swollen glands, dogs will also experience a greater sensitivity to pain and will likely be accompanied bypurulent discharge (pus). ...
The child has done something to provoke or frighten the dog (e.g., hugging the dog, moving into the dog's space, leaning or stepping over the dog, trying to take something from the dog). The dog is old and grumpy and having a bad day and has no patience for the actions of a ...
Discharge from the eyes or nose Loss of appetite Production of blood or phlegm during episodes Rapid or labored breathing Pale or bluish gums Rattling or wheezing sounds when breathing Consider any uptick in coughing a problem if your dog has a history of laryngeal paralysis (even after surgery)...