Their groomers, Jules and Shea, are also wonderful at their job. Our pup is a doodle and has very complicated hair and they are knowledgable and informative, even calling to give you updates/ask questions throughout the day of the groom to make sure you have the best experience. Every pe...
I went to grooming school and have since then worked under some of the top groomers in the state. After working for others for almost 11 years, I decided it was time to build my own brand. Thus, Walt’s Perfect Pups came to life. I have 17 years of experience and accept all breeds...
Looking forward to your grooming advice as his hair is very long while we waiting to get to the groomers. Many thanks + K 2022-03-15KarenOwner of Siberian Husky We have been working with Samson and he seems to be taking to the training very well! He is adjusting to his new house...