Effortless dog grooming in Jacksonville FL with Lotus Spaw!Experience convenience with our mobile grooming services.Book now for a stress-free experience
Happy Hound Dog Resorts is now in (2) two Jacksonville, FL locations. One is located at 4603 Shirley Avenue in a 15,200 Sq Ft building and our newest at 11000 Beach Blvd in a 11,200 Sq Ft building. Come visit us at any time to see the largest indoor dog boarding and dog daycare...
Created by professional groomers who have mastered in the profession for over 30 years and in the process trained hundreds of individuals who, themselves have gone on to very successful careers of their own. Any question or concern answered personally via Email by the course owner/instructor …nev...
Most groomers laughed at us. They scoffed at the idea, thinking it was impossible to make a day’s pay going from home to home.Boy…were they wrong!! During those years Richard raised three young children and a wife (that would be me) on the sole earnings of one mobile unit. Today,...
Our groomers have over 50 years combined experience and excellence – and we can’t wait to take care of your fur babies. Request Appointment First rule of working at The Bath House: "Must Love dogs!" Calm Process Love of Dogs Experience and Care ...