Our groomers are trained to make each dog’s appointment entirely customized to maintain low stress throughout the process. That can mean taking things slow and at their pace, taking breaks, extra love, or extra treats! Pricing (price varies depending on size and coat type) Premium Bath: ...
"Conveniently located in the Chesterfield Valley!" 125 Long Rd. Chesterfield, MO 63005 Email: DirtyDogWashSTL@gmail.com Tel: 636.778.0966 Voted Best Dog Groomer in Chesterfield! To book an appointment: Click Here We are always looking for talented dog groomers, bathers & trainers! Employment...
If you're looking for someone to clip your dog at home, there are plenty of mobile dog groomers in the UK and Ireland. Not only are they convenient, but a home-visit can be less stressful for some pooches. Like any other dog groomer, make sure they are trained to handle and groom a...
We travel to PRECIOUS POOCHIES for almost an hour to have our cocker spaniel “Walt” groomed . After having 2 terrible experiences with other groomers. One of which, is a training centre in chesterfield for other groomers!! The change in my boy is unbelievable, he wags his tail going into...
making it easy to groom. it easily fits dogs of various sizes and has a weight capacity of 4000 lbs. the dog nylon table harness from top performance is the perfect accessory for dog groomers. it keeps the dog steady on the grooming table. easy to care for, this dog harness can be ea...