Bruno had swallowed rat poison. A woman says her dog swallowed rat poison left on a Brighton road. Heather Seeley "I know the doctors are really great. I'm just hoping that they are able to save my boy," Heather said. Heather's watchful eye and quick action got Bruno to emergency...
A Colorado family's worst nightmare came true in the Tapestry Hills neighborhood of Castle Pines when their dog ate rat poison found in yards and an open space. Neighbors grew concerned that someone might have intentionally poisoned pets, but Douglas County officials say that the poisoning was mo...
Threat:With bromethalin, cats are more sensitive than dogs. As this type of mouse and rat poison has a narrow margin of safety in all species, however, prompt therapy is needed. ZINC AND ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDES: These poisons are more commonly found in mole or gopher baits, but they also may...
Add a healthy mix of probiotics and their food (called prebiotics) to keep a good balance of friendly gut bacteria. Look for probiotics with various types of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Bacillus, and the “good” yeast Saccharomyces boulardii. RELATED: Which probiotics work best for your dog?
Many people offer their dehydrated dogs unflavored Pedialyte, which is a child’s electrolyte drink. Even if your dog is drinking water, it sometimes isn’t enough, and Pedialyte will help replace electrolytes they may have lost from vomiting. Other dog-friendly products like Rebound may also ...
1934 T. Wood Cobbers 102: Cars carry such extravagant cargoes that I believe you might go about this casual friendly land with a puma on the running board, and be accused of nothing worse than ‘putting on dog’. 1937 J. Curtis There Ain’t No Justice 164: Well, they’ve got up to...
Originally bred to be a multipurpose companion capable of hunting rats on the farm, today’s Rat Terrier is a happy-go-lucky, family-focused housedog. Temperament Friendly, curious and lovable, the Rat Terrier gets along well with children and other pets. A particularly loyal breed, he is ...
Cairn Terriers are very lovable, loyal, cheerful, and friendly. They also like to be independent, but if you show them who the boss is, you will have no trouble training them. These dogs need to be played with and walked on a fairly regular basis, so make sure to fit a daily walk ...
Start by removing potentially harmful substances such as cleaning products, rat poison, or plants that may be toxic to pets. Ensure all gates and fences are secure, and repair any potential hazards in the home. Provide clear instructions on where to find essential items such as food, toys, ...
No matter how playful and friendly the intentions of your dog may be, it can be really terrifying for small children to have a dog in their face, uninvited. Some people are totally fine with this but some are not, and you just never know.How does your dog behave around other dogs?