Nutrience dog food and cat food is made right here, in Canada. Choose from our selection of quality dry foods, wet foods, treats and toppers.
Formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles Made in Canada Ingredients:Chicken meal (25%), steel-cut oats (23%), fresh chicken meat (5%), fresh chicken giblets (liver, heart, kidney) (5%), whole red lentils, whole green peas, whole green...
Due to differences in pet food manufacturing regulations in every country, many pet owners rightly seek brands made in areas with the strictest laws: Europe, Canada, or the USA. LATEST VIDEOS This video cannot be played because of a technical error.(Error Code: 102006) So here's what you...
K9Raw, a Natural and Raw Dog Food supplier in Ontario. Serving Peterborough, Lindsay, Muskoka-Haliburton. K9Raw for your dogs, as nature intended.
in raw food that your dog will benefit from. If you do cook the meat, make sure you remove the bones first. Cooked bones tend to splinter and be a choking hazard to the dog. You can either cook the bones, crush it to powder and sprinkle it over your dog’s food, or remove them...
Carna4 is a small, boutique brand manufactured in Canada. The food has the appearance of kibble, but it’s not extruded and it’s described as quick-baked for 4 minutes at 195F, then air-dried. The food is made in an EU-certified family-run bakery called Bio Biscuit in Quebec, Canad...
Raw Food Alternative Made in the CanadaIngredients:Herring, perch, eggs, ground organic sprouted barley seed, salmon, ground fava beans, sweet potato, ground organic sprouted flaxseed, ground organic sprouted lentils, ground organic sprouted peas, potato starch, apples, carrots, salt, kelp, baking ...
Canada Raw Pet Foods promotes healthier living for your best friend. Get your Raw pet food, directly from the source, located in Markham, Ontario, serving the Greater Toronto Area. Canada Raw focuses providing quality food at farm-direct prices for your
Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Grain-Free Dog Food Review Our Recommendation Natural Balance is a naturally-sourced, minimal ingredient dog food that is made in… FirstMate Dog Food Review Review & Recall Our Recommendation FirstMate Dog Food is manufactured in Chilliwack, Canada, by Taplow Feeds...
Tilted Barn Pet Company. Simple, Healthy, All-Natural, and 100% Canadian made dog treats and dog food for pets of all ages and size