My Pug was just stung in the eye by a bee! It's very swollen. What should I do? A bee sting, to any part of the body, is enough of a problem already. Canines can be allergic to the venom just as humans can. Hives and trouble breathing are just two concerns and while Benadryl ...
Hello, A couple days ago I noticed a red-pink bump under my dog's right eye. It didn't seem to bother her so I thought she was fine. Yesterday it got...
It is not a smooth lump and almost feels like a knot under her skin near her stitches. It moves slightly when I touch it and it doesn't bother her at all when I do, although I avoid moving it around too much as I'm not quite sure what it is. She is eating, drinking, and p...
I awaken. I don't know it at the moment, but this day marks my fourth straight year of existing in the dogscape. I push myself up from the carpet of writhing, twitching dogflesh beneath me and rise to my feet, stretching in the morning sun. It took me a
What Should You Do if Your Puppy’s Eyes are Swollen? Infection is most likely indicated by a protruding bulge under the sealed eye. Most infections occur when bacteria enter the eye during delivery or when the puppy's eyes start opening. The infection cannot drain out since the eyelids are...
(2)36Ae played a role in retinal development. Several additional alleles were isolated in screens within the eye for dominant suppressors of a hypermorphic allele of theEGF Receptor. These newly nameddacmutants also had severely deformed legs and eyes that were dramatically reduced in size which,...
Eye problems are a concern for Cockers and can manifest in various ways, including progressive retinal atrophy, leading to blindness; cataracts, causing a cloudy film over the eye; glaucoma, which results from increased eye pressure; and other eye abnormalities. If you observe redness in your Co...
The gland of the third eyelid also produces tears for the eye to help the tear gland lubricate the cornea. Third Eyelid Inflammation If the gland becomes swollen, it will bulge up and over the top margin of the third eyelid. When exposed like this, it will become irritated and produce a...
2014 M. McBride Swollen Red Sun 144: That Reverend’s crazier than a coon dog with two peters. cut a dog in half (v.) (Aus.) to belch. 2000 2000 Hartford Courant (CT) sect. D 5 Sept. 27/4: G’Day from Down Under [...] Cut a dog in half — flatulence. die like a ...
We'll break down the most common causes of a swollen face or mouth in dogs, what the swelling might look like, and what you should do about it.