Why is my dog throwing up and is lethargic? It’s common for dogs to throw up occasionally. Perhaps they were digging in the trash, and helped themselves to something they shouldn’t be eating. Perhaps you switched their food, upsetting their digestive system. When dogs are vomiting, or vo...
Is your dog eating and drinking normally? Has your dog vomited? Is your dog acting lethargic? Most importantly, please make sure to consult your veterinarian if you are concerned about any of these issues. What Home Care Tips Will Help My Dog's GI Distress?
Any time a dog is suddenly lethargic, it’s natural for you to worry about their health and wellbeing. A canine that loses their lust for life, and will not eat or drink, is especially concerning. Why is my dog lethargic, and not eating or drinking?The main concern is that your dog ...
Apart from the loss of appetite, your dog may also getdiarrheaand become lethargic. If a dog not eating but drinking water and is lethargic, react. The reason why some dogs have a reaction and some don’t is still open for debate, but most of the research seems to suggest thatbreed is...
Sometimes, however, depending on the type of chocolate, the amount eaten and the size of the dog, only mild symptoms are seen. As a vet I have seen many dogs get sick from eating chocolate. Some of them have had vomiting and diarrhea, but some have had more serious symptoms like tremor...
But it still takes time to leave the body, so recovery can be 1 to 3 days. If your dog was showing symptoms, he may be lethargic and have no appetite for a day or 2. If your dog showed no signs at all, you should watch him for a few days, just in case. Caution With Sugar...
So, you come home to find your pup lethargic and not acting themselves. After a few moments, you notice they are dry heaving overtop your favorite rug. They were fine this morning so what could have happened in between? Did they eat something they shouldn’t? Do they have a virus? Do...
I will contact my vet in the morning about a local surgery, which I think should work. But for the time... can you suggest any specific food and/or drink that I could give him? ( A chicken soup for dogs?) Thank you again for all of your help!!
Carolina Prime Pet, Inc, recalls Hollywood Feed Carolina Made Chicken Chips Dog Treats. See the Dog Food Advisor for more details.
after having this last drain done this morning. He’s back to his old self again and eating as normal…….not sure how long it will last, but hopefully it will give both of us a “breather” and me time to think and decide on the next step. Will see what the next couple of days...