my coton is drinking more water than usual and her urine is not yellow Up until a couple of weeks ago she maintained a very regular "schedule" for potty and peeing. Now she need to urinate more frequently and the urine has … jealousy with a new dog Will my 20 months old coton de ...
If your pooch is consistently peeing and pooing on your bed, that's not normal behavior and could mean that she's sick, anxious, hasn't been taken out enough, or just isn't properly potty trained. Whatever the reason, there are several ways you can stop your dog from pooing or peeing...
To potty train a dog to go outside fast, it's important to adhere to precise guidelines. Using the wrong approach or trying to cut corners may only backfire and slow down the process. Discover some basic guidelines on how to succeed.
He's pretty restless, but the gagging isn't persistent - only every once in awhile. He's eating normally and drinking a little more water than usual. I'm trying to think of anything he could've eaten - and the only thing that comes to mind is that he had a bully stick for the ...
Drinking water will help to flush out the infection-causing bacteria from the dog’s body. Take your dog to urinate frequently. Holding the pee for longer will lead to more growth of the bacteria increasing the infection. A vet may also prescribe some probiotics to stimulate the growth of ...
Signs that this is the problem can be that they are drinking more than usual, though of course, if they are drinking from an unknown water source, you may not notice. The other is that they might whimper at the door more often, letting you know that they need to go out to pee, but...
Your dog's health is vitally important. Our pet experts and veterinarians are here to help with tips & advice for a healthy dog.
Is your dog eating and drinking normally? Has your dog vomited? Is your dog acting lethargic? Most importantly, please make sure to consult your veterinarian if you are concerned about any of these issues. What Home Care Tips Will Help My Dog's GI Distress?
They are fully aware of their owners' weakness for their adorable expressions, and they cleverly utilize it, even when they commit acts like peeing on the floor. These actions highlight their ability to charm their way back into their human's good graces. Stretching Unlike humans, dogs don'...
It could be a low-grade bladder infection, crystals, drinking more than usual, or any number of medical causes. In elderly dogs, the onset of canine Alzheimer's can cause dogs to lose their housebreaking. Another possibility: Has there been a trauma in the household (death, illness, or ...