Feedback from supporters is important to ensure that all our needs are being met as well as the work that I’m doing for the children. Thank you for the vital role you Played in the Great Awakening.THE BELOW 4-minute VIDEO IS A Special THANK YOU MESSAGE and an Update for CONTRIBUTORS ...
whose dog MeMe (photo on the left) took great pains to scramble up a mound of snow to defecate on top of it. That meant that friend Debbie had to scramble up herself, poop bag in hand, to clean it up. But why was MeMe expending so much energy climbing...
The deadline to enter is October 6th at noon. Winners will be announced by midnight that same day. Let the DOing & DON’Ting begin! 18 Comments Posted in Uncategorized Tagged book review, children's book, giveaway, the underwear book, todd parr Have We Done the Celebrity Crush Thing to...
I’m not saying this speech was for DezNat exactly, though the inclusion of the metaphors and language is already doing the work of making plenty of that community sure think it is. You see what you want to see, and plenty of extremists want to see their leaders endorsing, winking at,...
“Faced with lingering pockets of vaccine hesitancy, or outright refusal, many nations are imposing ever stricter rules and restrictions on unvaccinated people, effectively making their lives more difficult in an effort to convince them to get their shots.In doing so, they are testing the boundary...
It felt like any growth and progress Alex made in the first book was completely washed away in the second. She's taken on Darlington's responsibilities as Virgil, which she is wholly unprepared for. She doesn't know enough about what she's doing, nor does she know how to navigate the ...
Alex reassured her followers that Ollie is doing "great" after having "surgery to remove a lump from his eyelid." Ollie is also TikTok famous, with over 2.8 million followers on the social media platform. His videos often go viral of him hilariously balancing objects on his behind. ...
Credit to the Lions blowing up the Oline the last two plays. UprootedTexan Parade is doing something honoring First Nation peoples which is different. Joe Critz hey guys this applies to us kinda i found it on twitter the other day
All we need to do is remove the Security Clearance of Nancy Pelosi and all the Demonrats and the Security Clearance of Mitch McConnell and all the Repugnantins “for their Treasonous Acts” (of doing the bidding of foreign entities at the WEF, WHO, UN and CCP) instead of representing the...
By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Catherine Austin Fitts says, “You are seeing a tug of war between the new system that’s coming up and the old system that’s struggling and dying.” Fitts explains it by saying, “Let’s pretend we have a