The money you do have doesn’t buy anything. The Fed is staring right at it.” Titus contends the Fed has printed more money than ever before and at a much faster pace than ever before. Titus warns, “The confetti party has a way of ending rather rudely and abruptly.” What should ...
Perhaps Stan is talking about Y’all Eckstein who doesn’t need to short silver (as she was able to raise $1.8 billion from Christians) which was most probably used by the Israeli Government to jab 98% of the Jewish people with the Kill Shot!! Reply Justn Observer 09/01/2022 • ...
Get toilet plugs so when sewage pumps stop working it doesn’t back up into your house. If you have an electric car you sit or lay in it with your pets for a/c or heat for a long time if fully charged. I don’t think the water will be turned off. They must have generators. ...
I don’t understand how the globalist are going to get the population down to 500 million. If they where to release ebolapox they would be hunted down in a nanosecond. Globalist may want control yes, but that level of depopulation doesn’t seem plausible at this time. Just saying Reply ...