Don’t let the diarrhea continue for long without phoning or visiting the vet —especiallyif your dog is a puppy. (Diarrhea in dogs can quickly get worse, and it might signal something more serious is going on.) At the very least,an all-natural probioticlikeDiarricewill help alleviate the...
Doggy diarrheaisn’t just messy though – it’s also potentially worrying and dangerous, as it could point to a health concern. On other occasions, however, it may just be a simple matter of what enters your dog’s body needing to make its way out – and that’s not always pretty. I...
Wondering why your dog is constipated? Or why he has diarrhea? Learn more about these common gastro issues in dogs, and tips for managing them at home.
diarrhea head shaking Dog allergies are treatable. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian to determine the proper diagnosis and treatment for your dog. And be sure to check out the natural treatments veterinarian Dr. Jones offers us for treating dogs with allergies, including a number of ...
, diarrhea , anorexia , or gastrointestinal obstruction . many human foods also have a high fat content, which can lead to serious complications including pancreatitis . your vet may recommend a dental diet formulated to reduce the amount of plaque and tartar that accumulates on your dachshund's...
When Diarrhea Is a Medical EmergencyYou suspect your dog has ingested a toxin or poison You suspect your dog has eaten a foreign body, such as a toy, bone, or piece of fabric Your dog is low energy and may seem weak Your dog has lost their appetite Your dog is throwing up (typically...
Diarrhea– Could be aone timething because your dog ate something she shouldn’t have or it could be the beginning of a more serious problem. Undigested particles– Any part of the meal not digested will come out looking rather like it did in her bowl. ...
Diarrhea (sometimes with blood), Thirstiness or increased water consumption, Increased urination. WHAT BRANDS OF DOG TREATS COME FROM CHINA? Although the FDA had not established any links between Chinese made dog treats and the ailments in pets which ate the treats, pet owners have been putting...
Poodle, Gets Clear of Diarrhea and Cryptosporidium Clouseau began having bouts of diarrhea soon after we picked him up as a puppy. Initially, the vet thought he needed a change of food to the Hills Prescription Diet they sold. After reading the ingredients, I rejected... ...
It is made free of soy, grain or corn, which is suitable for pups with allergies. Cons Some doggies did not like the smell of the food and refused to eat it. Some experienced vomiting and diarrhea a few hours after eating this food. ...