Non – Anesthesia Teeth Cleaning for Your Pet We all love our pets and consider them part of our family. We would do anything to take care of their health and provide them with the best options possible. One of the areas that is often overlooked is teeth cleaning or dental health for ou...
General anesthesia, which is necessary in all cases for us to do a thorough dental examination and professional cleaning. We use only the safest anesthesia protocols and human quality products. Your dog will be continually monitored during the entire procedure and post procedure for the safest and...
Discover our anesthesia free dog teeth cleaning services for a stress free pet dental care experience. Book a teeth cleaning without anesthesia for dogs today!
I’m a pet owner that believes in overall health of my dog, which includes dental cleanings. I have a Weimaraner that has gone under anesthesia in the past, including other dental cleanings. Though the day of the surgery, she showed some anxiety and “dopiness” coming out of the anesth...
We ask you to please check our references and to see for yourself how Pet Dental Services’ anesthesia-free teeth cleaning method has benefited hundreds of doctors and thousands of their patients. Please sign up today and you will be contacted by a Pet Dental Service representative or simply ...
They may also recommend professional dental cleaning if they detect tartar buildup or other issues. During this procedure, your pup will be put under general anesthesia for their safety, and a veterinary technician will use specialized tools to remove plaque and tartar from their teeth. This can...
During a routine teeth cleaning, dogs are put under anesthesia, then the vet gets to work scraping buildup off with a dog tartar removal tool called a scaler. The teeth are then polished, and voilà, a best-in-show kind of smile. However, your wallet will be a lot lighter … likely ...
If plaque is left on your dogs teeth, it begins to harden (dental calculus). Tartar is the visible brown stains on the enamel. Once your dog has tartar build-up the only way to safely remove it is with a professional dental cleaning under anesthesia. •...
Any time a dog has been under anesthesiafor surgery (or a spay/neuter procedure), veterinarians always recommend a bland dog food diet for the first day or two afterwards. If you switch dog food brands too quickly(rather than mixing the new brand in with the old brand and introducing it...
Anesthesia-Free Dental Cleanings: Helpful or Harmful? The veterinary field is rapidly progressing and we are constantly hearing of new medical techniques. As time goes on, we will continue to discover new methods of caring for our fur children. ...