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He came to our rescue friends more than a little unhealthy with some really terrible dental issues and skin infections. Luckily for Spanky, he found himself with some of the most caring humans to care for him. This ten-year-old guy weighs just 13 pounds an...
Dental problems definitely are a possibility. It's often hard to tell as well as you can't see all surfaces of every tooth without a sedated exam. But, your vet really should be able to determine if there is a problem. The behavior really does sound like a case I had where the dog...
Behavioral Health Solliquin® Behavior Supplement Immune Health Imuquin® Immune Health Supplement Skin & Coat Health Dermaquin® Skin Support Supplement Welactin® Omega-3 Supplement Renal Health Naraquin™ Renal Support Supplement Dental Health ...