Cloze 2(2023青岛二模)Sanfu, also calle d China's "dog days of summer",refers to three 10-day periods that normally have 1 days of the year. In English, the dog days of summer-also known as the hot, humid(潮湿的) an d uncomfortable summer days 2 July 3 an d August 11-are upon...
你没看错,dog days 可译作狗日、犬日,指的就是夏天中最热的时期,即我们所说的三伏天。 The dog days are passing, but this summer has been hot! 酷暑已过,但是这个夏天很热! We're well into the dog days of summer. 我...
形容北半球夏季最炎热、最不舒服的日子 其实就相当于咱们中文里的“三伏天” (果然每年最热的一段时间是全球公民达成的共识) 例句:These are the dog days; watermelons are just in season.现在是三伏天,西瓜正当令。I can do nothing except for sw...
Chinese "San/fu", also known as China's "dog days of summer", refers to three periods that are the hottest days of the year. In English, "the dog days of summer" are the hot, humid, and uncomfortable summer days from July 3 to August 11. The term "dog days" originated from the...
什么是dog days? The dog days 或dog days of summer 是指北半球7月初到8月中 夏天最炎热、湿热难耐的一段时期 古希腊和罗马占星术将其与 炎热、干旱、突发雷电、无精打采、 发烧、疯狗和霉运等联系起来 所以它进一步引申为 “无精打采、百无聊赖的日子” ...
三伏天,是一年中最热的日子,今年的三伏天始于7月11日。sanfu, the hottest time of the year begins on July 11th this year.三伏,也称为中国的dog days,预示着一年中最热的三个阶段,每一阶段大约有10-20天。Sanfu, also called China's "dog days of summer", refers to three 10-20days periods ...
DOG DAYS in Context “Streets with mature trees command higher home prices, temper the dog days of summer and draw more people outdoors for fresh air, walks and chats with neighbors.” — Celia Llopis-Jepsen, Kansas News Service, 9 May 2023 “树木茂密的街道房价更高,这可以缓和三伏天的酷热...
末伏:2023年8月10日至8月19日 据说三伏天的起源可追溯到战国时期,这个说法古来有之,那国外怎么称呼这段酷暑难耐的日子呢? dog days,狗日??? 你没看错,dog days可译作狗日、犬日,指的就是夏天中最热的时期,即我们所说的三伏。 The dog days or dog days of summer are the hot, sultry days of summer...
Sanfuusually comes between mid-July to mid-August. Let's take a look at the traditional Chinese ways of spending the dog days of summer. Eating dumplings duringToufu When the dog days come, people tend to lose their appetites, and jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, can refresh people's feelings...
Dog Days: With Conor McCarron, Lois Chimimba, Shanon Allan, Ben Clifford. Homeless Zoso must battle the odds to get his life back on track and be allowed to see his young daughter again, in this compelling and affecting drama.