├── DogCatDataset.py ├── prepare_data.py ├── README.md ├── resnet18_Cat_Dog.pth ├── test.py └── train.py 数据集下载 百度网盘链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/19eG-kbPifVfIRGcgS21gZA 提取码:hjag 训练好的权重下载 ...
Our dataset consists of labeled images of dogs and cats, serving as the training material for the CNN to learn and generalize patterns. Ultimately, this CNN project exemplifies the power of deep learning in image classification tasks and serves as a foundatio...
Added "binary-category" as a target type to the Oxford pet dataset. Uses the second numeric input in the annotation to get the species and outputs 0 for cat and 1 for dog. Discussed in #8364 . Notebook showing this in action can be found here
Cat-Dog-Classification-TransferLearning This project is about Global AI HUB Summer Camp'22 group assessment project. In this project we do transfer learning via. VGG16 Model to famous cats-dogs dataset. To be able to work this model, first you should download the dataset from the link and ...
image_dataset_from_directory 如果不需要进行随机变换,可以使用这个方法读取图片。 https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/images/classification#create_a_dataset train_ds =tf.keras.preprocessing.image_dataset_from_directory( data_dir, validation_split=0.2, ...
接着生成一个图像分类的reader,reader负责将dataset的数据进行预处理,接着以特定格式组织并输入给模型进行训练。 当我们生成一个图像分类的reader时,需要指定输入图片的大小 In [7] data_reader = hub.reader.ImageClassificationReader( image_width=module.get_expected_image_width(), image_height=module.get_expec...
fine-grained classificationdogdatasetbenchmarkIn this paper, we introduce an image dataset for fine-grained classification of dog breeds: the Tsinghua Dogs Dataset. It is currently the largest dataset for fine-grained classification of dogs, including 130 dog breeds and 70,428 real-world images. It...
cat_and_dog.rar 此资源是kaggle上猫狗大战比赛的数据集中的部分数据,只适用于学习和练习,如若有其他更高要求,需要去下载全部的数据集。 这里只是 部分数据! 部分数据! 部分数据! 上传者:rh8866时间:2020-06-14 VOC猫狗数据集 VOC_cat_dog-dataset.zip ...
dataset.py model.py requirement.txt test.py train.py Repository files navigation README Apache-2.0 license classification-torch A simple demo of implementing cat and dog classification 这个项目是一个简单的使用resnet18实现猫狗分类的例子,主要学习:1)是神经网络实现分类的原理 2)了解模型优化流程...
private-dataset cats-and-dogs-breeds-classification-oxford-dataset Language Python License This Notebook has been released under the Apache 2.0 open source license. Continue exploring Input2 files arrow_right_alt Output0 files arrow_right_alt Logs3.4 second run - successful arrow_right_alt Comments0...