Smart breedsis a categoryused to describe trainable dog breeds who are fast and adept learners (source). They are the main protagonists in the dog world. But just like any other world, the dog world has its antagonists, too. They are called the “stubborn breeds” due to their dominant, ...
Let’s take a look at some of the breeds that are best at playing fetch and what makes them unique. What Makes a Dog Good at Fetch? Dogs have been bred for visual acuity and retrieving ability over a long period of time, some more than others. Sighthounds and retrievers are among ...
In the second instance the term miniature can refer to the fact that the dog is just a small dog breed. Below we will look at breeds of dog that fall in to both of these categories."Teacup Dogs and Puppies"A Clever Marketing Term?Criticisms of the term "Teacup Dog and Puppies" are ...
How Are Beautiful Dog Breeds Classified? Again, if you ask 10 people this question, you’ll probably get as many answers. Dogs with unusual eye or coat colors and splashy patterns or markings are often considered more beautiful. The head and face shape is another common factor that marks a...
Lady from Lady and the Tramp was a Cocker Spaniel. George Clooney has a Cocker Spaniel named Einstein, and the Prince and Princess of Wales have one named Lupo. Similar Breeds CockapooEnglish Springer SpanielField SpanielIrish Water Spaniel...
Most marathon breeds are larger dogs that can maintain speeds of around 15 mph for hours at a time. These includeLabradors,Siberian Huskies, andEnglish Setters. The dog’s origins will hold clues to how fast they can run. Labradors and English settlers are hunting dogs, so they’ll need...
However, while Dobermans are among the famous fighting dog breeds, they are also known for their poor genetic health and are not as popular today as they used to be. RELATED:15 Most Stubborn Dog Breeds That Are Difficult to Train
Dog breeds A Table of contents Affenpinscher Affenpinschers have dense, wiry fur that can be black, black and tan, black and silver, red, or beige. Affenpinschersare a toy breed and the smallest of the pinscher family. The dogs have a well-proportioned body with a broad chest, a curved...
Kennel Club launches review of UK pedigree dog breeds The article reports on the new breed health plans of Kennel Club that would review every pedigree dog breed in Great Britain. It aims to help make breeders and buyers be aware of the health test that should be carried out for each breed...
Although they are much bigger than their average-sized counterparts, giant dog breeds still require the same type of care that smaller dogs do. You’ll have to be willing to purchase bigger toys, provide more space and accept a slightly shortened lifespan if you choose a giant dog breed, ...