Home Dog Breeds Australian Cattle Dog By Veronica Higgs, DVM Published May 11, 2022In This Article General CareView 5 More + Descended from the dingo and bred to herd animals, Australian Cattle Dogs are known for their extraordinary intelligence and go, go, go personality. Australian Cattle Dog...
Discover the Australian Cattle Dog, a loyal and intelligent breed perfect for active families. BorrowMyDoggy connects Australian Cattle Dog owners and potential borrowers.
The Australian Cattle Dog is an impressive dog. While not for everyone, this dog is the backbone of many a farm or ranch. This powerful, hard-working dog is usually considered a somewhat low-maintenance dog. But harsh terrain and weather can take their toll on paw pads and stress trigger...
The Australian Cattle Dog, also called the Blue Heeler, is an intelligent and energetic breed known for their herding abilities.
Change a life. Are you prepared to adopt a pet? Use these tools to make sure you’re ready for the commitment. Pet Adoption Resources Need help finding the right food for your dog? Take the Food Quiz Other breeds you might be interested in...
The meaning of AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG is any of a breed of medium-sized dogs that were developed in Australia to herd cattle and that have upright ears and a red or blue mottled coat.
The name for this dog is Australian Cattle Dog It has a variety of other names: ACD; Cattle Dog; Queensland Heeler, Blue Heeler and Red Heeler These dogs originated in New South Wales, Australia The size type is Medium Dog Breeds
(Breeds) a compact strongly-built dog of a breed with pricked ears and a smooth bluish-grey coat, often used for controlling and moving cattle Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009...
TheAustralian Cattle Dogis an alert breed with a powerful intellectual curiosity. The original breed standard for this dog was based on the dingo—Australia's native wild dog—and the Cattle Dog shares the dingo's keen, cunning intelligence. While among the smartest dog breeds, they are highly...
Australian Cattle Dog These gorgeous, hardy-working dogs, also known as Heelers, were developed in Australia to manage herds of cattle from as far back as the 1800s. They are now happy to be pets as long as they have a very active life!