No. There isn’t any evidence that there are roundworm or tapeworm parasites that are a risk if your dog ate deer poop. That’s not to say that dogs can’t catch parasites from deer; the dog tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum, can be caught by dogs eating infected deer carcasses. However, ...
Tick Man Dan Wolff Fittingly, ticks rhyme with the word, ick. That’s because they are icky. But they are always disease carriers who pose health threats to you and your pets. The month of May is known as Lyme Disease Awareness Month, but the cause of this disease – deer ticks –…...
What about dog poop bags? I wish they had them and used them. I guess it wouldn’t be too bad if their dog ate poop – at least the dog would be cleaning after itself. Or, if the neighbors had a dog poop composter – even better. Or, simply buy a dog poop scooper and use it...
Posted August 18th, 2018 by dogkeeper & filed under Submitted. Shaming doesn’t phase Tim the border collie who rolled in some fresh deer poop and is very proud of himself. Posted on August 18th, 2018Not helping…. Posted August 17th, 2018 by dogkeeper & filed under Best Friend Betrayal...
The same applies to wildlife. Parks are not just popular with joggers and dog walkers, they usually have their fair share of squirrels, and birds too. The countryside is full of wild animals. Rabbits, and deer are very appealing to dogs, and most dogs will chase them if they move. ...
We've certainly seen a dog nursing a wound, or a deer calling out in pain. But many animals suffer in silence. The most silent sufferers in the animal world may be fish.Do fish feel pain A new study from the University of Liverpool has found that fish feel pain in a way that's ...
Some years ago we spent a year on the headwaters of the Battenkill in Vermont, a beautiful marsh with resident beavers, otters, deer, and deer hunters who in the fall skulked the boarders of the marsh, shotguns in hand. I never saw one of he eastern canids there, but it would have...
why untrained dogs chase deer they are never, ever going to catch, not to mention that dogs chase cars that do kill them, and why it is even possible to have a police dog eagerly dash into gunfire. Not that such a dog is aware of danger and therefore capable of courage in the human...
Recently I watchedsomeone walking his dog close to my office in Black Earth. Every ten feet or so the dog tried to stop to sniff the ground, and every time she did, the man at the other end of the leash pulled her forward so that he could continue walking. Ah, the canine-primate ...
There are no words for the loss of a little dog by a deer’s foot. This is unspeakably difficult and I am wordless – but only to say I am thinking of you and your pooch and will carry the sorrow from afar with you. This must be soo incredibly shocking and painful. I will hold ...