Have tried dap collar, thundershirt, OTC calming aids, anxiety meds from vet and Prozac, crate and cage. Nothing works for our baby. Help!! Reply shibashake says April 12, 2014 at 1:52 pm Management (calm environment, consistent routine) and desensitization exercises has helped most with my...
I believe Reggie monitored Cassidy’s health for a long time and knew far more than we did. Last week, Cassidy’s back legs gave way and she jammed her front paw..or something? After x-rays and increased pain meds, we devoted every minute to encouraging, loving, aiding Cassidy to maint...
So, I'm wondering if it's possible that anxiety, if this is what it is, could have lead to the nocturnal peeing? No sign of UTI that I can tell. I'm hoping it's not something physiological or neurological. Today I took him for a 5 hour trip downtown and will take him to pee...
I am so full of anxiety because I have no idea what kind of injury he has sustained. And of course the Rimadyll. Anyways the injection he had must have suddenly worn off, it lasted him 34 hours though. I just needed to vent, thank you. Sign me very sad, Suzie...