Pain, sometimes severe, near the tail or anus Dog constantly licking the anal area Dog may whimper with pain and discomfort Dog may develop constipation as the pain in his rear end deters him from relieving himself Treatment Conventional treatment of an anal gland abscess is to surgically lance...
When the diet contains the right fiber, it promotes a good wide push of the anus during defecation. This pressure helps to express the anal glands. When that doesn’t happen, your dog’s anal glands and their ducts can swell shut. Or their discharge can become so thick, your dog can’...
If you can see a protrusion on one side of the anus there could be an abscess. Warm compresses on this area may help. If this is what is happening when it ruptures it will feel better. I wish I could do more for you as it sounds like she is very uncomfortable. Feel free to rep...
If you notice a bloody discharge, pus, or hole adjacent to the anus, these are signs of an anal gland abscess, which requires immediate medical attention. Dogs with anal gland tumors may also be drinking more or peeing more. The normal process of defecating puts pressure on the anal gland...
Today, I rushed him to my Vet because I found a golf ball sized flesh wound on the right side of his anus. She concluded that it was his diet, and needs to be on a hydrolyzed diet. I was skeptic, especially since I have been feeding him and my former Rottweiler, Diamond dog food...
It is possible to find fragments of these worms within the dog’s anus as well as within his stool. To determine the cause the vet will analyze the feces and prescribe a medication to eliminate the parasites. External parasites such as mites, ticks, and fleas can also cause your dog’s ...
Dr Marie-- My dog had a lump on his behind just by his anus. It never seemed to get any bigger and he has other bumps on him that the vet has said are cysts, so I wasn't worried about this one. When I got home tonight, there was blood on the kitchen floor, so I got a fl...
Dogs have two glands inside their anus which emit a strong scent. Dogs sniff each other to get a whiff of that scent, which carries vital information about it's host the dog's sex, health status and temperament. So, if your pup immediately decides he doesn't like a dog, it probably ...
over the course of a few days, while applying antibiotic ointments to them or he may prescribe your kitty an oral antibiotic. Sometimes an abscess may form in the area and he'll drain that before prescribing antibiotics and other treatments that you'll need to apply to the area at home. ...
In some dogs, lesions may also involve the anus and prepuce. Lesions may be mild to severe and are often painful but are not pruritic. Marked regional to diffuse lymphadenomegaly is common, and lymph node abscessation can occur. Severely affected puppies are usually depressed and often ...