Although the total dog and cat population is unknown in the US, as is the total number of pets killed, estimates suggest that between one-tenth and one-quarter of the entire US pet population is destroyed annually because of a surplus dog and cat problem. Pet overpopulation is attributable ...
Cat and Dog Overpopulation: The Problems
Overpopulation According to the Humane Society of the United States, 3-4 million dogs and cats are euthanized each year in the United States and many more are confined to cages in shelters because there are many more animals than there are homes. Spaying or neutering dogs helps keep overpopu...
“It’s a lot of work, but it pays huge dividends,” Bruce said. “In North America, we don’t have a problem with overpopulation and stray animals — we have a problem with responsible pet ownership.” Calgary started with a long public-awareness campaign. The message to residents: payi...
A comprehensive look at dog and cat population problems and solutionsSave Our Strays: How We Can End Pet Overpopulation and Stop Killing Healthy Cats and Dogs, by Bob Christiansen; trade paperpublished by CLC Publishing, California; 103 pages; also available from Amazon.comFor the past decade ...
Consider that in France there are twice as many pets as there are children according to statistics quoted in the Reader’s Digest. (Over the last ten years however, there has been an interesting development in the northeast. It seems there aren’t enough abandoned dogs to meet demand and so...
dog and cat natural drinking behaviors. According to university researchers, dogs thrust their tongues with power into water, pulling water behind the tongue, with three laps moving water toward the back of the throat [Crompton, Alfred; Musinsky, Catherine; and Reis, Pedro; “ingestion and ...
The pet overpopulation problem can be solved by requiring animal shelters to strictly implement the surgical sterilization of cats or dogs before they are given away for adoption. This has been established since 1975 yet animal shelters only recommend the process instead of enforcing it.Lieberman, Le...
Slater explained that the number of feral and stray cats in the U.S. is estimated at around a third to a half that of the owned cat population.NolenR.ScottJournal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
Fix Long Beach Helps Stem Pet Overpopulation One Dog and Cat at a TimeSegura, Joe