Quality Mobile Dog Training in Perth, Western Australia doesn't have to cost the earth. Check out our Service & Prices section. There is a service there for anyone who owns a dog! Doggonit Obedience is your friendly and professional 1-on-1 mobile dog
Jennens, GarthJennens, G 2002, Domestic dog attacks on sheep in the urban fringe areas of Perth, Western Australia, PhD thesis, Murdoch University, Perth.
The socio-demographic characteristics of the canine participants, including age, sex, time of adoption, and dog care practices (such as deworming, sterilization, and vaccination), were collected. Additionally, DO were asked about the importance of their dog’s health, with response options ranging...
anaphylaxisant venomMyrmeciaObjective: To determine the main causative species, reaction characteristics and geographical locations of ant sting anaphylaxis around Perth, Western Australia (WA).Yuri GilhotraDepartment of Emergency MedicineSimon GA Brown...
The socio-demographic characteristics of the canine participants, including age, sex, time of adoption, and dog care practices (such as deworming, sterilization, and vaccination), were collected. Additionally, DO were asked about the importance of their dog’s health, with response options ranging...