Coonhound Syndrome aka Coonhound Paralysis Because it can render a dog paralyzed, with little or no movement capability Coonhound Syndrome, or acute polyradical neuritis, can be a quick-acting and devastating Immobilizer when dogs fall prey to this weird condition... Canine...
Panting due to pain Pain can also cause excessive panting. There are a huge number of possible causes for pain, some more obvious than others. An elderly pet may pant excessively due to pain from joint disease, for example. There are usually other symptoms depending on the cause of the pai...
When you have an older dog or one on Prednisone that has to pee all the time, you don’t want to ruin your nice carpet, rug, bed, or car seat. To protect your stuff, you’ll want to buy pee pads, and lots of them. There are two main types: reusable cloth and disposable paper...
My dog started acting weird wouldn't run around like he usually does when he sees it's time to go outside and then started having bloody stools . Took him to the vet they said his lymph nodes felt abnormal so they did a test on him and also gave me meds for his diarrhea. Diarrhea...
What Do You Do When Your Dog Is Breathing Weird? If you notice your dog breathing heavily or oddly, call your vet. He may give your dog supplemental oxygen or observe him. He may also check for other issues, like heat stroke.