Dyslexia is one of the most common learning challenges in schools and teachers often opt to use the Comic Sans typeface to support those individuals. That, finds Jon Severs, may be the wrong decision
Last night I wrote about Steve Jobs insane 3.3.1 section in the new iPhone developers license which Jon Gruber discovered here, and I just want to clarify something. People are writing that this is a ban on Flash, and cross platform tools. It is, but that is not what I am concerned ...
¹https://github.com/reingart/pyfpdf ²https://github.com/reingart ³http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/ 2 Writing text This chapter presents examples dealing with writing, formatting and positioning text. Every piece of text in pyfpdf is contained in a cell. You can think of a...
agency from him. Though the company itself was valu-able, its structure gave her alertness two advantages: 1) she knew there weremany foreign markets for Spanish writing with different appetites, rangingfrom romance to colonial pride, and 2) she knew that contracts worked differ-ently in ...