reported on both Chinese jets late last month. The first is described as a "tailless ... stealthy, high-performance sixth-generation crewed combat aircraft." The aircraft appears to be larger than either the F-22 or F-35, measuring approximately "70 feet...
If a long completion like Assassins Creed Odyssey or RDR2 didn't have a plat, then yes, I would be disappointed but I will still play the game. If an easy 2 hour game didn't have a plat but was very low in price, I would still get it to boost up my trophy level. It really ...
In each agent's unique contract, 1 level costs 200 Valorant Points (about $2 USD), and the agent is unlocked at level 5 of their individual contract. This means purchasing 1 agent (AKA getting their contract to level 5) would cost you1000 Valorant Points, or about $10 USD. Cost for ...