"git.enableCommitSigning": false }, "extensions": [ "ms-azuretools.vscode-docker", "mongodb.mongodb-vscode", "charliermarsh.ruff" ] } }, "mounts": [ "source=${localEnv:HOME}${localEnv:USERPROFILE}/.gitconfig,target=/home/vscode/.gitconfig,type=bind,consistency=cached", "source=/var...
Type: Bug Perform any git command from vs code (pull/push/clone) result: git pull --tags origin master Could not create directory '/c/Users/\335\344\343\340\360/.ssh' (No such file or directory). Failed to add the host to the list of kno...
输入 vi ~/.gitconfig 在文件中黏贴以下内容(这样最快) [user]name=YOUR_NAMEemail=YOUR_EMAIL[alias]co=commitst=statuslogl=log --graph --all --oneline[core]quotepath=falseeditor=code --wait --new-windowexcludesfile=~/.gitignore[filter"lfs"]process=git-lfs filter-processrequired=trueclean=git-...
VSCode Version: 1.19.0 OS Version:Windows10 (version 1709) OS Build 16299.125 Steps to Reproduce: Update user git configuration to have a includeIf block [includeIf "gitdir:~/some/path/to/personal/"] path = .gitconfig-personal [includeIf...
解决方式,下载: https://github.com/kamyarelyasi/Libarclite-Files/blob/main/libarclite_iphoneos.a 放到 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/arc ...
Issue Type: Bug Install VSCode Insiders. Launch without extensions. Assign a shortcut to Git Stage Changes Try to stage a change using the shortcut. This seems to work in the stable VSCode. VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1.24.0-insider...
git 常用的一些操作命令 本地分支和远程分支都可以省略,将当前分支推送到origin主机的对应分支1.4gitpush如果当前分支只有一个远程分支,那么主机名都可以省略,形如gitpush,可以使用git... -a -m ‘提交信息’我们知道-m参数是输入提交信息的,-a 参数就是可以把还没有执行add命令的修改一起提交。 $gitcommit --...
Early on they took a dependency on the Git found in GitHub for Windows for convenience, and this worked okay until you also installed the Electron Desktop version (we support using these side-by-side) which had it's own CLI integration. This combination broke VSCode because they didn't ...
二、解决方案 更新npm: npm install -g install 将项目下的node_modules删除之后,使用npm install重新安装 rm -r -f node_modules cpm install(我使用了淘宝镜像安装,不然使用npm安装,国内网速较慢) 中间出现了以下错误: node-pre-gyp ERR! stack at emitTwo (events.js:126:13) ...
实现面板SSL Linux screen命令的两大应用场景 服务器如何绑定域名 Centos7修改远程端口 Linux centos7设置服务器禁止&开启ping centos7.8系统yum安装docker Python多版本设置 Debian安装输入法和显卡驱动 安装pytorch VSCode打开TensorBoard CentOS配置IPV6地址 python批量重命名文件为000开头 运行游戏提示vcomp120.dll丢失解决...