Why does an oil-and-vinegar salad dressing have two separate layers? Why is acetic acid considered a weak acid? Why is bicarbonate buffer system important? Why does the sedimentary rock limestone react with HCl acid? Why is sodium bicarbonate used resuscitation?
then add lemon juice. Don't let it sit too long, or it might cause damage. ... Try mixing lemon juice with a little vinegar for an extra strong solution. Not only will you be rust-free, but whatever you are cleaning will smell like citrus!
Copper oxide dissolvesin a mixture of weak acid and table salt, both of which are found in ketchup. Slather the ketchup onto your copper-bottomed pots and leave it on for as long as you can. Then wipe and rinse. (By the way, you get the same result with lemon juice plus salt. ...
You can alsoclean your oven with steam. Place a bowl filled with equal parts water and vinegar in the oven, set the temperature to 250°F, and leave it there for 30 minutes. Wipe off the residue with a damp sponge. References AndreyPopov/iStock/GettyImages If you have a linoleum floor...
Bowl:Bowls of various sizes are always handy, especially so for marinating without using a bag. Make sure your bowl is glass, stainless steel, or food-safe plastic. Avoid pottery bowls that may have lead glazes or react with the acid in the liquid. ...
Why does bicarbonate soda and vinegar react?Acidity and Basicity:A neutral substance has a pH of 7 and substances with a pH lower than 7 are acidic while substances with a pH higher than 7 are basic. Acids and bases react in a neutralization reaction to achieve equilibrium. The dissociation...