If you think you may have received a phone call from a scammer and did enter your credit card number, call your credit card company right away and ask them how to proceed. How Can I Report Scam Phone Calls? Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint have fraud sections of their websites that provide ...
Google gave a boost to affordability with its Nexus 7, which was also priced at $199 but was packed with decent specifications and the latest version of the Android operating system. Nowadays, Android tablets have proliferated, from Samsung's high-end Galaxy Tab S line to Verizon-branded table...
But there are those who have been holding off for another reason: they steer clear of first-generation Apple products of all kinds. Their thinking is that the 1st-gen model tends to have a bunch of glitches, with the 2nd-gen product not just getting those worked out but also adding signi...